- Discovery of bicyclic borane molecule B14H26
- Xiaoni Zhang, Tomoko Fujino, Yasunobu Ando, Yuki Tsujikawa, Tianle Wang, Takeru Nakashima, Haruto Sakurai, Kazuki Yamaguchi, Masafumi Horio, Hatsumi Mori, Jun Yoshinobu, Takahiro Kondo, Iwao Matsuda
- Communications Chemistry 8 (2025) 14. (7 pages)
- Nature Publishing Group
- Open Access
- CO2 Desorption Dynamics Reveal Structure Insensitivity in Formate Decomposition on Copper Surfaces
- Jiamei Quan, Takahiro Kondo, and Junji Nakamura*
- J. Phys. Chem. C 128 (2024) 21438-21446.
- Special issue of Alec Wodtke Festschrift
- Selected as "ACS Editors' Choice"

- Inter-layer Hydrogen Recombination from Hydrogen Boride Nanosheets Elucidated by Isotope Labeling
- Shin-ichi Ito, Kurt Rojas, Yukihiro Yasuda, Natsumi Noguchi, Kosei Fukuda, Miwa Hikichi, Zhihao Kang, Mei Yuan, Ryuki Tsuji, Osamu Oki, Susmita Roy, Yasuyuki Hikita, Iwao Matsuda, Masahiro Miyauchi, Ikutaro Hamada*, Takahiro Kondo*
- J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 15 (2024) 10965–10976.
- Open access
- Visible-light-induced hydrogen generation from mixtures of hydrogen boride nanosheets and phenanthroline molecules
- Jumpei Takeshita, Hayato Tsurugi, Andi Mauliana, Akira Yamaguchi, Takahiro Kondo*, Masahiro Miyauchi*
- Advanced Science 11 (2024) 2405981. (7 pages).
- Open access
- Hydrogen boride sheets and copper nanoparticle composites as a visible-light-sensitive hydrogen release system
- A. Mauliana, A. Yamaguchi, T. Kondo*, M. Miyauchi*
- Small 20 (2024) 2404986. (9 pages).
- Open access
- Fermi Edge of Semimetallic Borophane Sheets and its Reduction by a Porous Structure
- Xiaoni Zhang, Masashige Miyamoto, Mei Yuan, Yuki Tsujikawa, Kazuki Yamaguchi, Masafumi Horio, Kenichi Ozawa, Kunio Yubuta, Takahiro Kondo, Iwao Matsuda
- J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 15 (2024) 9349–9355.
- Dimensional crossover and chirality of boron adsorbates on copper (110) surfaces
- Yuki Tsujikawa, Takeru Nakashima, Xiaoni Zhang, Kazuki Yamaguchi, Masafumi Horio, Masahiro Haze, Yukio Hasegawa, Fumio Komori, Takahiro Kondo, Yasunobu Ando, Iwao Matsuda
- Phys. Rev. Materials 8 (2024) 084003. (7 pages)
- Macroscopic sheets of hydrogen boride and their spectroscopic evaluation
- Kazuki Yamaguchi, Masahito Niibe, Xiaoni Zhang, Toshihide Sumi, Masafumi Horio, Yasunobu Ando, Jun-ichi Yamaura, Eiken Nakamura, Kiyohisa Tanaka, Takahiro Kondo, and Iwao Matsuda
- Phys. Rev. Materials 8 (2024) 074005. (8 pages)
- Millimeter-scale growth of YCrB4 single crystals and observation of the metallic surface state
- Xiaoni Zhang, Yuki Tsujikawa, Kazuki Yamaguchi, Masashige Miyamoto, Masafumi Horio, Kunio Yubuta, Hiroshi Ando, Mei Yuan, Kenichi Ozawa, Kazumasa Sugiyama, Takahiro Kondo, Iwao Matsuda
- Phys. Rev. Materials 8 (2024) 054001. (6 pages)
- Phase stability and band degeneracy of quasi-one-dimensional boron chain polymorphs embedded in LiB crystals
- Takeru Nakashima, Ikuma Tateishi, Yuki Tsujikawa, Masafumi Horio, Takahiro Kondo, Iwao Matsuda, and Yasunobu Ando
- Phys. Rev. B 109 (2024) 165104. (14 pages)
- Quasi-Periodic Growth of One-Dimensional Copper Boride on Cu(110)
- Yuki Tsujikawa, Xiaoni Zhang, Kazuki Yamaguchi, Masahiro Haze, Takeru Nakashima, Arpita Varadwaj, Yusuke Sato, Masafumi Horio, Yukio Hasegawa, Fumio Komori, Masaki Oshikawa, Masato Kotsugi, Yasunobu Ando, Takahiro Kondo, and Iwao Matsuda*
- Nano Letters 24 (2024) 1160-1167.
- 筑波大学 数理物質系 物質工学域 ナノ物質科学研究室
- 近藤 剛弘
- 水素エネルギーシステム 49 (2024) 165-167 (PDF(HP掲載許諾済み)).
- 研究室紹介
- Rhombohedral boron monosulfide as a metal-free photocatalyst
- Keisuke Miyazaki, Akira Yamaguchi, Haruki Kusaka, Norinobu Watanabe, Aufandra Cakra Wardhana, Satoshi Ishii, Akiyasu Yamamoto, Masashi Miyakawa, Takashi Taniguchi, Takahiro Kondo,* Masahiro Miyauchi*
- Scientific Reports 13 (2023) 19540. (10 pages)
- Nature Publishing Group
- Open access
- Development of a highly stable nickel-foam-based boron monosulfide–graphene electrocatalyst with a high current density for the oxygen evolution reaction
- Linghui Li, Norinobu Watanabe, Cheng Jiang, Akiyasu Yamamoto, Takeshi Fujita, Masashi Miyakawa, Takashi Taniguchi, Hideo Hosono, Takahiro Kondo*
- Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater. 24 (2023) 2277681. (8 pages)
- Open access
- Electrocatalytic Mechanisms for an Oxygen Evolution Reaction at a Rhombohedral Boron Monosulfide Electrode/Alkaline Medium Interface
- Satoshi Hagiwara*, Fumiaki Kuroda, Takahiro Kondo, and Minoru Otani*
- ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 15 (2023) 50174−50184.
- Controlling Photoinduced H2 Release from Freestanding Borophane Sheets under UV Irradiation by Tuning B–H bonds
- Miwa Hikichi, Junpei Takeshita, Natsumi Noguchi, Shin-ichi Ito, Yukihiro Yasuda, Luong Thi Ta, Kurt Irvin M. Rojas, Iwao Matsuda, Satoshi Tominaka, Yoshitada Morikawa, Ikutaro Hamada, Masahiro Miyauchi,* and Takahiro Kondo*
- Advanced Materials Interfaces 10 (2023) 2300414. (8 pages)
- Open access
- Selected as a front cover picture

- Boron monosulfide as an electrocatalyst for the oxygen evolution reaction
- Linghui Li, Satoshi Hagiwara, Cheng Jiang, Haruki Kusaka, Norinobu Watanabe, Takeshi Fujita, Fumiaki Kuroda, Akiyasu Yamamoto, Masashi Miyakawa, Takashi Taniguchi, Hideo Hosono, Minoru Otani, Takahiro Kondo*
- Chemical Engineering Journal 471 (2023) 144489. (9 pages)
- Press release:
Univ. Tsukuba,
Kochi Univ. Tech.
- Open access
- Advancements in Freestanding Hydrogen Boride Sheets: Unraveling the Novel Properties of Borophane Polymorphs
- Takahiro Kondo*
- Chem. Lett. 52 (2023) 611–621.
- Highlight Review
- Open access
- Selected as a cover picture

- Effective treatment of hydrogen boride sheets for long‐term stabilization
- Shin‐ichi Ito, Miwa Hikichi, Natsumi Noguchi, Mei Yuan, Zihao Kang, Kosei Fukuda, Masahiro Miyauchi, Iwao Matsuda, Takahiro Kondo*
- Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25 (2023) 15531-15538.
- Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of an ultrathin Fe layer grown on NiO(001)
- Soki Kobayashi, Hiroki Koizumi, Hideto Yanagihara, Jun Okabayashi, Takahiro Kondo, Takahide Kubota, Koki Takanashi, and Yoshiaki Sonobe
- Phys. Rev. Applied 19 (2023) 064005. (8 pages)
- Accelerated Synthesis of Borophane (HB) Sheets through HCl-Assisted Ion-Exchange Reaction with YCrB4
- Xiaoni Zhang, Miwa Hikichi, Takushi Iimori, Yuki Tsujikawa, Mei Yuan, Masafumi Horio, Kunio Yubuta, Fumio Komori, Masahiro Miyauchi, Takahiro Kondo, Iwao Matsuda
- Molecules 28 (2023) 2985. (14 pages)
- Special Issue "New Science of Boron Allotropes, Compounds, and Nanomaterials"
- Open access
- Observing an ordered surface phase by B deposition on Cu(110)
- Yuki Tsujikawa, Xiaoni Zhang, Masafumi Horio, Tetsuya Wada, Masashige Miyamoto, Toshihide Sumi, Fumio Komori, Takahiro Kondo, Iwao Matsuda
- Surface Science 732 (2023) 122282. (4 pages)
- Direct Imaging of Band Structure for Powdered Rhombohedral Boron Monosulfide by Microfocused ARPES
- Katsuaki Sugawara, Haruki Kusaka, Tappei Kawakami, Koki Yanagizawa, Asuka Honma, Seigo Souma, Kosuke Nakayama, Masashi Miyakawa, Takashi Taniguchi, Miho Kitamura, Koji Horiba, Hiroshi Kumigashira, Takashi Takahashi, Shin-ichi Orimo, Masayuki Toyoda, Susumu Saito, Takahiro Kondo, and Takafumi Sato
- Nano Letters 23 (2023) 1673-1679.
- Press release:
Tohoku Univ.,
Univ. Tsukuba,
Tokyo Tech.,
- Rhombohedral Boron Monosulfide as a p-Type Semiconductor
- Norinobu Watanabe, Keisuke Miyazaki, Masayuki Toyoda, Kotaro Takeyasu, Naohito Tsujii, Haruki Kusaka, Akiyasu Yamamoto, Susumu Saito, Masashi Miyakawa, Takashi Taniguchi, Takashi Aizawa, Takao Mori, Masahiro Miyauchi*, Takahiro Kondo*
- Molecules 28 (2023) 1896. (9 pages)
- Special Issue "New Science of Boron Allotropes, Compounds, and Nanomaterials"
- Open access
- Prediction of a Cyclic Hydrogenated Boron Molecule as a Promising Building Block for Borophane
- Yasunobu Ando, Takeru Nakashima, Heming Yin, Ikuma Tateishi, Xiaoni Zhang, Yuki Tsujikawa, Masafumi Horio, Nguyen Thanh Cuong, Susumu Okada, Takahiro Kondo, Iwao Matsuda
- Molecules 28 (2023) 1225. (13 pages)
- Special Issue "New Science of Boron Allotropes, Compounds, and Nanomaterials"
- Open access
- New Science of Boron Allotropes, Compounds, and Nanomaterials
- Takahiro Kondo, Iwao Matsuda and Josep M. Oliva-Enrich, Eds.
- Mdpi AG (2023/8/1), Pages: 1-196
ISBN 978-3-0365-8327-3 (hardback); ISBN 978-3-0365-8326-6 (PDF)
- Book
- Highly dispersed Ni nanoclusters spontaneously formed on hydrogen boride sheets
- Natsumi Noguchi, Shin-ichi Ito, Miwa Hikichi, Yohei Cho, Kazuho Goto, Atsushi Kubo, Iwao Matsuda, Takeshi Fujita, Masahiro Miyauchi*, Takahiro Kondo*
- Molecules 27 (2022) 8261. (12 pages)
- Special Issue "New Science of Boron Allotropes, Compounds, and Nanomaterials"
- Open access
- Chemisorption of CO2 on nitrogen-doped graphitic carbons
- Riku Shibuya, Kotaro Takeyasu, Donghui Guo, Takahiro Kondo, Junji Nakamura
- Langmuir 38 (2022) 14430-14438.
- Structural and electronic evidence of boron atomic chains
- Yuki Tsujikawa, Masafumi Horio, Xiaoni Zhang, Tomoaki Senoo, Takeru Nakashima, Yasunobu Ando, Taisuke Ozaki, Izumi Mochizuki, Ken Wada, Toshio Hyodo, Takushi Iimori, Fumio Komori, Takahiro Kondo, Iwao Matsuda
- Phys. Rev. B 106 (2022) 205406. (9 pages)
- Homotopic analysis of quantum states in two-dimensional polymorphs by a herringbone lattice model
- Yasunobu Ando, Xiaoni Zhang, Yuki Tsujikawa, Yusuke Sato, Masafumi Horio, Jun Haruyama, Osamu Sugino, Takahiro Kondo, Iwao Matsuda
- Phys. Rev. B 106 (2022) 195106. (5 pages)
- Carbon dioxide adsorption and conversion to methane and ethane on hydrogen boride sheets
- Taiga Goto, Shin-ichi Ito, Satish Laxman Shinde, Ryota Ishibiki, Yasuyuki Hikita, Iwao Matsuda, Ikutaro Hamada*, Hideo Hosono, Takahiro Kondo*
- Communications Chemistry 5 (2022) 118. (10 pages)
- Nature Publishing Group
- Selected as collection of "Energy storage and conversion" in Communications Chemistry
- Open access
- Electronic Topological Transition of 2D Boron by the Ion Exchange Reaction
- Xiaoni Zhang, Yuki Tsujikawa, Ikuma Tateishi, Masahito Niibe, Tetsuya Wada, Masafumi Horio, Miwa Hikichi, Yasunobu Ando, Kunio Yubuta, Takahiro Kondo, Iwao Matsuda
- J. Phys. Chem. C 126 (2022) 12802-12808.
- Hydrogenation of Formate Species Using Atomic Hydrogen on a Cu(111) Model Catalyst
- Kotaro Takeyasu, Yasutaka Sawaki, Takumi Imabayashi, Septia Eka Marsha Putra, Harry Handoko Halim, Jiamei Quan, Yuji Hamamoto, Ikutaro Hamada, Yoshitada Morikawa, Takahiro Kondo, Tadahiro Fujitani, and Junji Nakamura
- J. Am. Chem. Soc. 144 (2022) 12158-12166.
- Press release: Univ. Tsukuba, Osaka Univ., Kyushu Univ.,
- Recovery of Au from dilute aqua regia solutions via adsorption on the lyophilized cells of a unicellular red alga Galdieria sulphuraria: A mechanism study
- Shin-Ichi Miyashita, Toshihiko Ogura, Takahiro Kondo, Shin-Ichiro Fujii, Kazumi Inagaki, Yoshio Takahashi, Ayumi Minoda*
- J. Hazard. Mater. 425 (2022) 127982. (11 pages)
- Crystalline boron monosulfide nanosheets with tunable bandgaps
- H. Kusaka, R. Ishibiki, M. Toyoda, T. Fujita, T. Tokunaga, A. Yamamoto , M. Miyakawa, K. Matsushita, K. Miyazaki, L. Li, S. L. Shinde, M. Lima, T. Sakurai, E. Nishibori, T. Masuda, K. Horiba, K. Watanabe, S. Saito, M. Miyauchi, T. Taniguchi, H. Hosono and T. Kondo*
- J. Mater. Chem. A 9 (2021) 24631-24640
- Press release:Univ. Tsukuba (English), Univ. Tsukuba (Japanese), Tokyo Tech., Kochi University of Technology, TAT, Nagoya Univ., KEK
- Open access
- Fabrication of Hydrogen Boride Thin Film by Ion Exchange in MgB2
- T. Hirabayashi, S. Yasuhara, S. Shoji, A. Yamaguchi, H. Abe, S. Ueda, H. Zhu, T. Kondo*, and M. Miyauchi*
- Molecules 26 (2021) 6212. (11 pages)
- Special Issue "New Science of Boron Allotropes, Compounds, and Nanomaterials"
- Open access
- Electronic structure of a borophene layer in rare-earth aluminum/chromium boride and its hydrogenated derivative, borophane.
- Masahito Niibe, Mathis Cameau, Nguyen Thanh Cuong, Omeji Ilemona Sunday, Xiaoni Zhang, Yuki Tsujikawa, Susumu Okada, Kunio Yubuta, Takahiro Kondo, and Iwao Matsuda
- Phys. Rev. Materials 5 (2021) 084007. (8 pages)
- Chemical stability of hydrogen boride nanosheets in water.
- Kurt Irvin Rojas, Nguyen Thanh Cuong, Hiroaki Nishino, Ryota Ishibiki, Shin-ichi Ito, Masahiro Miyauchi, Yoshitaka Fujimoto, Satoshi Tominaka, Susumu Okada, Hideo Hosono, Nelson Jr., Arboleda, Takahiro Kondo*, Yoshitada Morikawa, Ikutaro Hamada*
- Communications Materials 2 (2021) 81. (8 pages)
- Open access
- Ethanol-ethylene conversion mechanism on hydrogen boride sheets probed by in situ infrared absorption spectroscopy.
- Asahi Fujino, Shin-ichi Ito, Taiga Goto, Ryota Ishibiki, Ryota Osuga, Junko Nomura Kondo, Tadahiro Fujitani, Junji Nakamura, Hideo Hosono, Takahiro Kondo*
- Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 23 (2021) 7724-7734.
- Festschrift for Peter Toennies - New Horizons in the Dynamics of Molecules: from Gases to Surfaces
- Diborane concatenation Leads to New Planar Boron Chemistry.
- Josep M Oliva-Enrich, Takahiro Kondo, Ibon Alkorta, Jose Elguero, Douglas Klein
- ChemPhysChem 21 (2020) 2460-2467.
- Acid assisted synthesis of HB sheets through exfoliation of MgB2 bulk in organic media.
- Reiya Kawamura, Akira Yamaguchi, Chika Shimada, Ryota Ishibiki, Takeshi Fujita, Takahiro Kondo*, Masahiro Miyauchi*
- Chem. Lett. 49 (2020) 1194-1196.
- Hydrogen Boride Sheets as Reductants and the Formation of Nanocomposites with Metal Nanoparticles.
- Shin-ichi Ito, Toru Hirabayashi, Ryota Ishibiki, Reiya Kawamura, Taiga Goto, Takeshi Fujita, Akira Yamaguchi, Hideo Hosono, Masahiro Miyauchi*, Takahiro Kondo*
- Chem. Lett. 49 (2020) 789-793.
- Selected for the Editor's Choice
- Open access
- Selected as an inside cover

- Cracking of squalene into isoprene as chemical utilization of algae oil.
- Kazuya Kimura, Kazuma Shiraishi, Takahiro Kondo, Junji Nakamura and Tadahiro Fujitani
- Green Chemistry 22 (2020) 3083-3087.
- Topological Dirac nodal loops in nonsymmorphic hydrogenated monolayer boron.
- N. T. Cuong, I. Tateishi, M. Cameau, M. Niibe, N. Umezawa, B. Slater, K. Yubuta, T. Kondo, M. Ogata, S. Okada, and I. Matsuda
- Phys. Rev. B 101 (2020) 195412. (11 pages)
- Synthesis of nanosize tetratitanium heptoxide and its anomalous phase transition.
- Hiroko Tokoro, Yusuke Araki, Iori Nagata, Takahiro Kondo, Kenta Imoto and Shin-ichi Ohkoshi
- Mate. Res. Lett. 8 (2020) 261-267.
- Geometrical Frustration of B-H Bonds in Layered Hydrogen Borides Accessible by Soft Chemistry.
- Satoshi Tominaka*, Ryota Ishibiki, Asahi Fujino, Kohsaku Kawakami, Koji Ohara, Takuya Masuda, Iwao Matsuda, Hideo Hosono, Takahiro Kondo*
- Chem 6 (2020) 406-418.
- Press release:Univ. Tsukuba, NIMS, Tokyo Tech., JASRI, SPring8, ISSP, Univ. Tokyo
- Selected as a FEATURED ARTICLE
- Selected as a cover picture

- 気体の分子振動で駆動する化学反応 −省エネルギープロセスによるCO2からのCH3OH合成を目指して−
- 近藤 剛弘, 全 家美, 中村 潤児
- 化学 75 (2020) 27-32.
- Review(解説)
- ホウ化水素シートにおける光誘起水素発生
- 東京工業大学 : 河村 玲哉, 平林 透, 山口 晃, 宮内 雅浩
筑波大学 : Nguyen Thanh Cuong, 石引 涼太, 岡田 晋, 近藤 剛弘
高知工科大学 : 藤田 武志
東京大学 : 松田 巌
- 物性研だより 第59巻, 第4号, 4-6.(PDF)
- Review(研究紹介)
- Selected as a cover picture

- Photoinduced hydrogen release from hydrogen boride sheets.
- Reiya Kawamura, Nguyen Thanh Cuong, Takeshi Fujita, Ryota Ishibiki, Toru Hirabayashi, Akira Yamaguchi, Iwao Matsuda, Susumu Okada, Takahiro Kondo*, Masahiro Miyauchi*
- Nature Communications 10 (2019) 4880. (8 pages)
- Press release:Univ. Tsukuba, Tokyo Tech., ISSP, Univ. Tokyo, Kochi University of Technology
- Open access
- Hydrogenated Borophene Shows Catalytic Activity as Solid Acid.
- Asahi Fujino, Shin-ichi Ito, Taiga Goto, Ryota Ishibiki, Junko Kondo, Tadahiro Fujitani, Junji Nakamura, Hideo Hosono, Takahiro Kondo*
- ACS Omega 4 (2019) 14100-14104.
- Open access
- Vibration-driven reaction of CO2 on Cu surfaces via Eley-Rideal-type mechanism.
- Jiamei Quan, Fahdzi Muttaqien, Takahiro Kondo, Taijun Kozarashi, Tomoyasu Mogi, Takumi Imabayashi, Yuji Hamamoto, Kouji Inagaki, Ikutaro Hamada, Yoshitada Morikawa, Junji Nakamura
- Nature Chemistry 11 (2019) 722-729.
- Press release:Univ. Tsukuba, Osaka Univ.
- Electronic structure of a monoatomic Cu2Si layer on a Si(111) substrate.
- M. Cameau, R. Yukawa, C.-H. Chen, A. Huang, S. Ito, R. Ishibiki, K. Horiba, Y. Obata, T. Kondo, H. Kumigashira, H.-T. Jeng, M. D'angelo, and I. Matsuda
- Phys. Rev. Materials 3 (2019) 044004. (5 pages)
- Semimetallicity of free-standing hydrogenated monolayer boron from MgB2
- I. Tateishi, N. T. Cuong, C. A. S. Moura, M. Cameau, R. Ishibiki, A. Fujino, S. Okada, A. Yamamoto, M. Araki, S. Ito, S. Yamamoto, M. Niibe, T. Tokushima, D. E. Weibel, T. Kondo, M. Ogata, and I. Matsuda
- Phys. Rev. Materials 3 (2019) 024004. (8 pages)
- Platinum nanoparticles supported on reduced graphene oxide prepared in situ by a continuous one-step laser process.
- Ina Haxhiaj, Sebastian Tigges, Damian Firl, Xiaorui Zhang, Ulrich Hagemann, Takahiro Kondo, Junji Nakamura, Galina Marzuna, Stephan Barcikowski
- Appl. Surf. Sci. 469 (2019) 811-820.
- Bottom-up design of nitrogen-containing carbon catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction.
- Riku Shibuya, Takahiro Kondo, Junji Nakamura
- ChemCatChem 10 (2018) 2019-2023.
- Peculiar bonding associated with atomic doping and hidden honeycombs in borophene.
- Chi-Cheng Lee, Baojie Feng, Marie D'angelo, Ryu Yukawa, Ro-Ya Liu, Takahiro Kondo, Hiroshi Kumigashira, Iwao Matsuda, and Taisuke Ozaki
- Phys. Rev. B 97 (2018) 075430. (5 pages)
- Formation and characterization of hydrogen boride sheets derived from MgB2 by cation exchange.
- Hiroaki Nishino, Takeshi Fujita, Nguyen Thanh Cuong, Satoshi Tominaka, Masahiro Miyauchi, Soshi Iimura, Akihiko Hirata, Naoto Umezawa, Susumu Okada, Eiji Nishibori, Asahi Fujino, Tomohiro Fujimori, Shin-ichi Ito, Junji Nakamura, Hideo Hosono, Takahiro Kondo*
- J. Am. Chem. Soc. 139 (2017) 13761-13769.
- Press release(共同プレスリリース):Univ. Tsukuba, 筑波大学, 東北大学, 東京工業大学,
AIMR, 東北大学 材料科学高等研究所, NIMS, 物質・材料研究機構, MANA, NIMS
- 筑波大学広報刊行誌:
TSUKU COMM [ツクコム] 2018.01 (vol.38) p19, TSUKU COMM [ツクコム] 2021.07 (vol.52) p17
- Introduced as an incredibly creative synthesis storategy and discovery in Chem
- 機械学習などでも困難な非常に創造的な発見としてChem誌の解説記事で唯一の引用文献として紹介されました。
- Formation Mechanism of Boron-Based Nanosheet through the Reaction of MgB2 with Water.
- Hiroaki Nishino, Takeshi Fujita, Akiyasu Yamamoto, Tomohiro Fujimori, Asahi Fujino, Shin-ichi Ito, Junji Nakamura, Hideo Hosono, Takahiro Kondo*
- J. Phys. Chem. C 121 (2017) 10587-10593.
- Peptide Crosslinkers: Immobilization of Platinum Nanoparticles Highly Dispersed on Graphene Oxide Nanosheets with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activities.
- Tsukasa Mizutaru, Galina Marzun, Sebastian Kohsakowski, Stephan Barcikowski, Dachao Hong, Hiroaki Kotani, Takahiko Kojima, Takahiro Kondo, Junji Nakamura, and Yohei Yamamoto
- ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9 (2017) 9996-10002.
- Effect of pH on the Spontaneous Synthesis of Palladium Nanoparticles on Reduced Graphene Oxide
- Xiaorui Zhang, Wataru Ooki, Yoshinori R. Kosaka, Akinori Okonogi, Galina Marzun, Philipp Wagener, Stephan Barcikowski, Takahiro Kondo, Junji Nakamura
- Appl. Surf. Sci. 389 (2016) 911-915.
- Enwrapping Conjugated Polymer Microspheres with Graphene Oxide Nanosheets
- Yusuke Aikyo, Soh Kushida, Daniel Braam, Junpei Kuwabara, Takahiro Kondo, Takaki Kanbara, Junji Nakamura, Axel Lorke, Yohei Yamamoto
- Chem. Lett. 45 (2016) 1024-1026.
- Selected for the Editor's Choice
- Open access
- Lewis Basicity of Nitrogen-Doped Graphite Observed by CO2 Chemisorption
- Hisao Kiuchi, Riku Shibuya, Takahiro Kondo, Junji Nakamura, Hideharu Niwa, Jun Miyawaki, Maki Kawai, Masaharu Oshima and Yoshihisa Harada
- Nanoscale Research Letters 11 (2016) 127. (7 pages)
- Book
- Characterization of nitrogen species incorporated into graphite using low energy nitrogen ion sputtering
- Hisao Kiuchi, Takahiro Kondo, Masataka Sakurai, Donghui Guo, Junji Nakamura, Hideharu Niwa, Jun Miyawaki, Maki Kawai, Masaharu Oshima and Yoshihisa Harada
- Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18 (2016) 458~465.
- 酸素還元反応用窒素ドープカーボン触媒の活性点
- Donghui Guo, 近藤 剛弘, 中村 潤児
- 燃料電池 16(2) (2016) 13-18.
- Review(特集 燃料電池と新規材料)
- 最近のトピックス 白金代替触媒の活性点が特定された! -モデル研究で明らかにされた窒素ドープ炭素触媒
- 渋谷 陸, 近藤 剛弘, 中村 潤児
- 化学 71 (2016) 68-69.
- Review(最新のトピックス)
- Observation of Landau levels on nitrogen-doped flat graphite surfaces without external magnetic fields
- Takahiro Kondo, Donghui Guo, Taishi Shikano, Tetsuya Suzuki, Masataka Sakurai, Susumu Okada and Junji Nakamura
- Scientific Reports 5 (2015) 16412. (8 pages)
- Press release:Univ. Tsukuba
- Open access
- Principles and Application of Heterodyne Scanning Tunnelling Spectroscopy
- Eiji Matsuyama*, Takahiro Kondo*, Haruhiro Oigawa, Donghui Guo, Shojiro Nemoto and Junji Nakamura
*These authors contributed equally to this work
- Scientific Reports 4 (2014) 6711. (5 pages)
- Press release:Univ. Tsukuba
- Open access
- Atomic-scale characterization of nitrogen-doped graphite: Effects of dopant nitrogen on the local electronic structure of the surrounding carbon atoms
- Takahiro Kondo, Simone Casolo, Tetsuya Suzuki, Taishi Shikano, Masataka Sakurai, Yoshihisa Harada, Makoto Saito, Masaharu Oshima, Mario Italo Trioni, Gian Franco Tantardini and Junji Nakamura
- Phys. Rev. B 86 (2012) 035436. (6 pages)
- Adsorption of CO on Iron Clusters on Graphite
- Junepyo Oh, Takahiro Kondo, Daigo Hatake, Keitaro Arakawa, Tetsuya Suzuki, Daiichiro Sekiba, and Junji Nakamura
- J. Phys. Chem. C 116 (2012) 7741-7747.
- N2 emission-channel change in NO reduction over stepped Pd(211) by angle-resolved desorption
- Tatsuo Matsushima, Anton Kokalj, Hideo Orita, Toshitaka Kubo, Masataka Sakurai, Takahiro Kondo, Junji Nakamura
- Surface Science 606 (2012) 1029-1036.
- Effect of co-absorbed CO and reaction temperature on the dynamics of N2 desorption under steady-state N2O-CO reaction on Rh(110)
- Masataka Sakurai, Takahiro Kondo and Junji Nakamura
- J. Chem. Phys. 134 (2011) 204710. (7 pages)
- Angular intensity distribution of a molecular oxygen beam scattered from a graphite surface
- Junepyo Oh, Takahiro Kondo, Keitaro Arakawa, Yoshihiko Saito, W, W. Hayes, J. R. Manson and Junji Nakamura
- J. Phys. Chem. A 115 (2011) 7089-7095.
- 窒素含有グラファイト系炭素触媒の活性点構造
- 近藤 剛弘
- 触媒 53(2011)314.
- Review(トピックス)
- Edge states propagating from a defect of graphite: Scanning tunneling spectroscopy measurements
- Takahiro Kondo, Yujiro Honma, Junepyo Oh, Takahiro Machida and Junji Nakamura
- Phys. Rev. B 82 (2010) 153414. (4 pages).
- Significant reduction in adsorption energy of CO on platinum clusters on graphite
- Junepyo Oh, Takahiro Kondo, Daigo Hatake, Yosuke Iwasaki, Yujiro Honma, Yoshiyuki Suda, Daiichiro Sekiba, Hirosh Kudo, Junji Nakamura
- J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 1 (2010) 463-466.
- Formation of nonbonding π electronic states of graphite due to Pt-C hybridization
- Takahiro Kondo, Yosuke Iwasaki, Yujiro Honma, Yoshiteru Takagi, Susumu Okada and Junji Nakamura
- Phys. Rev. B 80 (2009) 233408. (4 pages).
- Elastic and inelastic scattering components in the angular intensity distribution of He scattered from graphite
- Junepyo Oh, Takahiro Kondo, Daigo Hatake and Junji Nakamura
- Surface Science 603 (2009) 894-899.
- Promoted catalytic activity of a platinum monolayer cluster on graphite
- Takahiro Kondo, Ken-ichi Izumi, Kenji Watahiki, Yosuke Iwasaki, Tetsuya Suzuki and Junji Nakamura
- J. Phys. Chem. C 112 (2008) 15607-15610.
- The distinct vibrational signature of grain-boundary water in nano-crystalline ice films
- Takahiro Kondo, Hiroyuki S. Kato, Maki Kawai, and Mischa Bonn
- Chem. Phys. Lett. 448 (2007) 121-126.
- 白金/炭素界面制御による燃料電池電極触媒の開発
- 中村 潤児, 近藤 剛弘
- Materials Integration 20 (2007)44-48.
- Review article
- Analysis of the molecular beam inelastic scattering at solid surfaces based on the theoretical model of pure and classical binary collision
- Takahiro Kondo, Daisuke Mori, Ryuta Okada, Masahiro Sasaki, Hiroyuki Kato, Yaro Yamada, Shigehiko Yamamoto, Maki Kawai
- Hyomen Kagaku 27 (2006) 392-400 (in Japanese).
- Effect of the molecular structure on the gas-surface scattering studied by supersonic molecular beam
- Takahiro Kondo, Hiroyuki S. Kato, Taro Yamada, Shigehiko Yamamoto and Maki Kawai
- Eur. Phys. J. D 38 (2006) 129-138.
- C2H6 scattering from LiF(001): Influence of the molecular anisotropy on rainbow- scattering in both intensity and speed distributions
- Takahiro Kondo, Takashi Tomii and Shigehiko Yamamoto
- Chem. Phys. 320 (2006) 140-148.
- A molecular beam study of the collision dynamics of methane and ethane upon a graphitic monolayer on Pt(111)
- Takahiro Kondo, Daisuke Mori, Ryuta Okada, Masahiro Sasaki and Shigehiko Yamamoto.
- J. Chem. Phys. 123 (2005) 114712. (7 pages)
- Initial growth of the water layer on (1x1)-oxygen-covered Ru(0001) in comparison with that on bare Ru(0001)
- Michel Malick Thiam, Takahiro Kondo, Noriko Horimoto, Hiroyuki S. Kato and Maki Kawai
- J. Phys. Chem B 109 (2005) 16024-16029.
- Dissociative chemisorption of CH4 on a cesiated Pt(111) surface studied by supersonic molecular beam scattering techniques
- Takahiro Kondo, Takashi Sasaki, and Shigehiko Yamamoto
- J. Chem. Phys. 116 (2002) 7673-7684.
- Speed distribution of C2H6 molecular beam scattered through chattering collision on a LiF(001) surface
- Takashi Tomii, Takahiro Kondo, Shinjiro Yagyu and Shigehiko Yamamoto
- J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 19 (2001) 675-680.
- Rainbow scattering of CH4 and C2H6 molecular beams from a LiF(001) surface: Dependence on incident kinetic energy and molecular anisotropy
- Takahiro Kondo, Takashi Tomii, Shinjiro Yagyu and Shigehiko Yamamoto
- J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 19 (2001) 2468-2470.
- Formation and destruction dynamics of Cs monolayer on a Pt(111) surface
- Takahiro Kondo, Hiroyuki Kozakai, Takashi Sasaki, Shinjiro Yagyu and Shigehiko Yamamoto
- Proc. 6th Int. Symp. on Advance Physical Fields (Growth of Well-defined Nanostructures) (2001) 216-221.
- Inelastic collision processes of CH4 and C2H6 molecules at highly-corrugated surfaces studied by the molecular beam scattering technique
- Takahiro Kondo, Takashi Tomii, Tomomi Hiraoka, Toshiyuki Ikeuchi, Shinjiro Yagyu and Shigehiko Yamamoto
- J. Chem. Phys.112 (2000) 9940-9948.
- Time-of-flight measurement of CH4 molecules Rainbow-scattered from a LiF(001) surface
- Takashi Tomii, Takahiro Kondo, Tomomi Hiraoka, Toshiyuki Ikeuchi, Shinjiro Yagyu and Shigehiko Yamamoto
- J. Chem. Phys.112 (2000) 9052-9057.
- Molecular beam time of flight analysis on the reaction dynamics of alkane molecules interacting with a Pt(111) surface
- Tomomi Hiraoka, Shinjiro Yagyu, Takahiro Kondo, Toshiyuki Ikeuchi and Shigehiko Yamamoto
- Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 39 (2000) 612-615.
- Work Function of Pt(111) Modified by Hyperthermal CH4 Molecular Beam
- Takahiro Kondo, Shinjiro Yagyu, Tomomi Hiraoka, Toshiyuki Ikeuchi, Shigehiko Yamamoto
- J. Vac. Soc. Jap. 43 (2000) 745-749.
- Inelastic collision process of methane and ethane molecules at a Pt(111) surface studied by molecular beam scattering techniques
- hinjiro Yagyu, Yasunobu Kino, Toshiyuki Ikeuchi, Tomomi Hiraoka, Takahiro Kondo and Shigehiko Yamamoto
- Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 38 (1999) 6910-6914.
Patent application
- JP2025-016157, 2025.2.3
- JP2024-229221, 2024.12.25
- JP2024-166612, 2024.9.25
- JP2024-087363, 2024.5.29
- JP2024-076751, 2024.5.9(JP2023-078396, 2023.5.11)
- JP2024-076756, 2024.5.9(JP2023-078396, 2023.5.11)
- JP2024-076763, 2024.5.9(JP2023-078396, 2023.5.11)
- JP2024-076771, 2024.5.9(JP2023-078396, 2023.5.11)
- JP2024-076772, 2024.5.9(JP2023-078396, 2023.5.11)
- JP2024-007577, 2024.1.22
- JP2024-007575, 2024.1.22
- JP2024-006959, 2024.1.19
- JP2023-185497, 2023.10.30
- JP2023-141568, 2023.8.31
- JP2023-078925, 2023.5.11,(JP2022-078212, 2022.5.11)
- JP2023-013378, 2023.1.31
- JP2022-211872, 2022.12.28
- JP2022-147127, 2022.9.15
- JP2022-144702, 2022.9.12
- JP2022-118424, 2022.7.26
- JP2022-061007, 2022.3.31
- JP2021-504106, 2020.3.3,(JP2019-42011, 2019.3.7), PCT/JP2020/008878
- JP2021-124983, 2021.7.30
- JP2021-117864, 2021.7.19
- JP2021- 96732, 2021.6.9
- JP2020-168605, 2020.10.5, US Patent App. 17/488,686, 2022
- JP2021-558284, 2019.11.18(JP2019-207861), PCT/JP2020/041443
- JP2021-556047, 2019.11.15, (JP2019-207081, 2019.11.15.),PCT/JP2020/041288
- OpenJP2021- 28285, 2021.2.25, (JP2019-148099, 2019.8.9)
- OpenJP2020- 69428, 2020.5.7, (JP2018-204785, 2018.10.31)
- OpenJP2019-218251, 2019.12.26, (JP2018-118560, 2018.6.22)
- JP2018-546383, 2017.10.18, (JP2016-204477, 2016.10.18), PCT/JP2017/037709,WO/2018/074518
- OpenJP2017-127863, 2017.7.27, (JP2017-8910, 2017.01.20)
- OpenJP2016-185899, 2016.10.27, (JP2015-067282, 2015.11.6,JP2015-218914, 2015.3.27)
Patent establishment
- EU 3514114
- JP07606707
- JP07578961
- JP07485287
- CN114380276A
- JP7302840
- US11583820
- JP7079932
- JP7057569
- US10781108
- JP6804760
- 2024.11.8
- Natsumi Noguchi (D1)
Womens in Materials Science Award
5th International Conference on Emerging Advanced Nanomaterials ICEAN 2024
- 2024.10.2
- Natsumi Noguchi (D1)
Student Award
The 10th Southeast Asia Collaborative Symposium on Energy Materials (SACSEM 10th)
- 2024.7.30
- Takahiro Kondo
2024 Technology Award from The Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science
- 2024.5.25
- Natsumi Noguchi (M2)
JVSS Student Award (8 winners out of 72 nominees)
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science 2023
Reduction of hydrogen release temperature by loading MgH2 on Ni/HB nanocomposites
Natsumi Noguchi, Kazuho Goto, Shin-ichi Ito, Takeshi Fujita, Hideo Hosono, Shin-ichi Orimo, Takahiro Kondo
- 2024.3.25
- Linghui Li (D3)
- 2024.3.25
- Norinobu Watanabe (M2)
Graduate school of Science and Technology Director's Award
- 2024.3.25
- Natsumi Noguchi (M2)
Best Thesis Award and scholarship
- 2024.3.25
- Kosuke Takeshita (B4)
Outstanding performance award
- 2024.3.25
- Kanako Takeyama (B4)
Outstanding performance award
- 2023.11.21
- Linghui Li (D3)
SACSEM 9th Best Student Presentation Award
The 9th Southest Asia Collaborative Symposium on Energy Materials
Development of a highly stable nickel-foam-based boron monosulfide–graphene electrocatalyst for the oxygen evolution reaction
Linghui Li, Satoshi Hagiwara, Cheng Jiang, Haruki Kusaka, Norinobu Watanabe, Takeshi Fujita, Fumiaki Kuroda, Akiyasu Yamamoto, Masashi Miyakawa, Takashi Taniguchi, Hideo Hosono, Minoru Otani, Takahiro Kondo
- 2023.5.20
- Linghui Li (D3)
Student presentation award
2022 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science
r-BS as a metal-free electrocatalyst for OER with high performance and strong durability
Linghui Li, Cheng Jiang, Haruki Kusaka, Norinobu Watanabe, Takeshi Fujita, Masashi Miyakawa, Takashi Taniguchi, Takahiro Kondo
- 2023.5.20
- Hikari Yoshioka (M2)
Student presentation award
2022 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science
Three-dimensional boron network compounds composed of B, Ca and H through proton-exchange reaction of CaB6
Hikari Yoshioka, Satoshi Tominaka, Ben Slater, Hideo Hosono, Takahiro Kondo
- 2023.3.24
- Hikari Yoshioka (M2)
Master's Thesis Excellence Award
- 2023.2.11
- Takahiro Kondo
Academic award
The Society of Boron, Borides and Related Materials of Japan
- 2022.9.15
- Linghui Li (D2)
IUVSTA-Elsevier Student award (8 winners out of 151 nominees)
r-BS as a metal-free electrocatalyst for OER with high performance and strong durability
Linghui Li, Cheng Jiang, Haruki Kusaka, Norinobu Watanabe, Takeshi Fujita, Masashi Miyakawa, Takashi Taniguchi, Takahiro Kondo
- 2022.9.15
- Hikari Yoshioka (M2)
IUVSTA-Elsevier Student award (8 winners out of 151 nominees1)
Three-dimensional boron network compounds composed of B, Ca and H through proton-exchange reaction of CaB6
Hikari Yoshioka, Satoshi Tominaka, Ben Slater, Hideo Hosono, Takahiro Kondo
- 2022.5.21
- Takahiro Kondo
The Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science 2022 Fellow
- 2021.3.25
- Yusuke Hikita (M2)
Master's Thesis Excellence Award
- 2021.2.15
- Takahiro Kondo
University of Tsukuba 2020 Best Faculty Members
- 2020.3.25
- Ryota Ishibiki (M2)
Master's Thesis Presentation Excellence Award
- 2020.1.9
- Takahiro Kondo
Best Poster Award 2020,
1st International Symposium Hydrogenomics / 14th International Symposium
Hydrogen & Energy
T. Kondo, Y. Fujimoto, R. Ishibiki, T. Goto, S. Ito, T. Fujita, A. Yamamoto, S. Saito, H. Hosono
- 2019.12.19
- Yusuke Hikita (M2)
13th Surface/Interface Spectroscopy 2019 student prize