特別招待講演 (Special Invited Lecture)

新田 淳作 (東北大学 大学院工学研究科)

Junsaku Nitta (Tohoku University)
"Story of spins in semiconductors" ー Electric-field control of spin-orbit interaction and its application to spintronics 

招待講演 (Invited Talks)

秋山 了太 (東京大学 大学院理学系研究科)
白石 誠司 (京都大学 大学院工学研究科)
Emergence of synthetic Rashba field in Si
Miao Jiang (東京大学 大学院工学系研究科)
Highly efficient spin-orbit torque magnetization switching in a ferromagnet semiconductor single layer GaMnAs
関口 康爾 (横浜国立大学 大学院工学研究院)
日比野 有岐 (産業技術総合研究所 新原理コンピューティング研究センター)
山原 弘靖 (東京大学 大学院工学系研究科)
Laurent Vila (フランス CEA Spintec)
Ultra-fast current induced domain wall motion with rare earth and critical element free Mn4N compounds

Ryota Akiyama (University of Tokyo)
Observation of topological Hall effect in sandwich structures with self-assembled intrinsic topological ferromagnet Mn(Bi,Sb)2Te4
Masashi Shiraishi (Kyoto University)
Emergence of synthetic Rashba field in Si
Miao Jiang (University of Tokyo)
Highly efficient spin-orbit torque magnetization switching in a ferromagnet semiconductor single layer GaMnAs
Koji Sekiguchi (Yokohama National University)
Magnonic functions and device applications
Yuki Hibino (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
Elucidation of spin conversion using magnetic materials and improvement of efficiency
Hiroyasu Yamahara (University of Tokyo)
Magnetic and dielectric properties in strained rare-earth iron garnet thin films
Laurent Vila (CEA Spintec, France)
Ultra-fast current induced domain wall motion with rare earth and critical element free Mn4N compounds

講演概要集 (Abstract booklet)


Abstract booklet has been uploaded. It can be downloaded from here.

プログラム (Program)

プログラムを公開しました。(12/9更新)。こちらよりダウンロードできます。   タイムテーブル   プログラム

The program is now open. (Dec. 9). It can be downloaded from here.     Timetable     Program

講演要領 (Instruction for presentations)


Oral presentations
 Invited talks will be 30 minutes long (25 min for presentation + 5 min for Q&A), and ordinary talks will be 20 minutes long (15 min + 5 min).
 Presentations should be given in either English or Japanese.
 Please test your slide sharing during the breaks.

 ポスターセッションには、SpatialChat を使用します。
 Power Pointご利用の場合は、A0サイズのスライドを作成して頂き、「名前を付けて保存」で「ファイルの種類」でJPEG形式を選んで下さい。
 後は、当日、SpatialChatに入って頂き、指定場所にファイルを貼り付ければ頂ければ結構です。  (ショートプレゼンテーションは行いません。)

Poster presentations
 SpatialChat will be used for the poster session.
 You will be able to see multiple posters in one room and approach one of the posters and talk with the speaker, which is similar to a on-site poster session.
 Please prepare your poster in A0 size "landscape" and save it in JPEG format.
 (It is fine if the JPEG image size is about 4494 x 3179 pixels.)
 If you use Power Point, please create an A0 size slide and select JPEG format for "File Type" under "Save As" operation.
 After that, please enter SpatialChat on the day of the presentation and put the file into the designated location. (There will be no short presentation.)