Publication List

[1] P.J. Buenconsejo, K. Ito, H. Kim and S. Miyazaki, “High-strength Superelastic Ti-Ni Microtubes Fabricated by Sputter Deposition”, Acta Materialia, 56 (2008) 2063-2072.

[2] Y.W. Chai, H. Kim, H. Hosoda and S. Miyazaki, “Interfacial Defects in Ti-Nb Shape Memory Alloys”, Acta Materialia, 56 (2008) 3088-3097.

[3] S. Miyazaki, M. Tomozawa, P.J. Buenconsejo, K. okutsu, H. Cho, H.Y. Kim, “TiNi-Base SMA Thin Film Microactuators and Related Science and Technology”, Proc. of the Inter. Conf. on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies, SMST-2006, Pacific Grove, California, (2008), 339-356.

[4] H.Y. Kim, S. Miyazaki, T. Inamura and H. Hosoda, “Biomedical Ti-Nb Based Shape Memory and Superelastic Alloys”, Proc. of the Inter. Conf. on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies, SMST-2006, Pacific Grove, California, (2008), 731-740.

[5] P.J.S. Buenconsejo, H.Y. Kim and S. Miyazaki, “Fabrication of Superelastic Ti-Ni Microtubes by Sputter-Deposition Method”, Proc. of the Inter. Conf. on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies, SMST-2007, Tsukuba, (2008), 337-342.

[6] M. Tahara, H.Y. Kim, T. Inamura, H. Hosoda and S. Miyazaki, “Effect of Nitrogen Addition on Shape Memory Properties of Ti-Nb-Zr-Ta Alloy”, Proc. of the Inter. Conf. on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies, SMST-2007, Tsukuba, (2008), 521-526.

[7] H. Tobe, H.Y. Kim and S. Miyazaki, “Effect of Nb Content on Deformation and Recrystallization Textures of Ti-18Zr-Nb Alloys”, Proc. of the Inter. Conf. on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies, SMST-2007, Tsukuba, (2008), 527-532.

[8] I. Kubota, T. Inamura, K. Wakashima, H. Hosoda, H.Y. Kim and S. Miyazaki, “Texture in Cold-Drawn Wire of Ti-Nb-Al Shape Memory Alloy”, Proc. of the Inter. Conf. on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies, SMST-2007, Tsukuba, (2008), 533-536.

[9] T. Yamamoto, Y. Matsunaga, T. Sakuma, H. Hosoda and S. Miyazaki, “Superelastic Behavior of Ti-Nb-Mo-Al Alloy”, Proc. of the Inter. Conf. on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies, SMST-2007, Tsukuba, (2008), 537-544.

[10] K. Katsuya, T. Inamura, K. Wakashima, H. Hosoda and S. Miyazaki, “Phase Constitution and Mechanical Properties of Ti-Sn Alloys Containing 3D Transition Metal Elements”, Proc. of the Inter. Conf. on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies, SMST-2007, Tsukuba, (2008), 553-558.

[11] T. Ishigaki, Y. Matsuki, T. Inamura, K. Wakatsuki, H. Hosoda and S. Miyazaki, “Fabrication of Superelastic Ti-Ni Microtubes by Sputter-Deposition Method”, Proc. of the Inter. Conf. on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies, SMST-2007, Tsukuba, (2008), 559-564.

[12] H. Saito, T. Inamura, K. Wakatsuki, H. Hosoda and S. Miyazaki, “Mechanical Properties of Ti-Mo Alloys Containing 3D Transition Metal Elements”, Proc. of the Inter. Conf. on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies, SMST-2007, Tsukuba, (2008), 565-570.

[13] Y. Okimori, Y. Tsugane, T. Inamura, K. Wakatsuki, H. Hosoda and S. Miyazaki, “Shape Memory Properties of TiAu Base Alloys and Composites”, Proc. of the Inter. Conf. on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies, SMST-2007, Tsukuba, (2008), 571-576.

[14] 金高弘恭、清水良央、細田秀樹、冨塚亮、鈴木章裕、浦山佐知子、稲邑朋也、宮崎修一、 山本照子、”ニッケルフリーチタン基形状記憶合金を利用したラットの矯正学的歯の移動に関する研究”, 日本金属学会誌、72巻7号 (2008) 503-509.

[15] 岡田直樹、藤井功隆、石川佳樹、小野田元伸、金 煕榮、宮崎修一、“Ti-Ni-Zr合金の形状記憶特性と加工性に及ぼすZr濃度の影響”、日本金属学会誌、72巻7号 (2008) 152-158.

[16] 田原正樹、金 煕榮、宮崎修一、“Ti-Zr-Nb合金の超弾性挙動に及ぼす窒素添加の影響”、日本金属学会誌、72巻12号 (2008) 955-959.

[17] 戸部裕史、金 煕榮、宮崎修一、“生体用Ti-18Zr-Nb合金の加工集合組織と機械的特性に及ぼすNb濃度の影響”、日本金属学会誌、72巻12号 (2008) 965-969.

[18] 新居陽一、金 煕榮、宮崎修一、“Ti-Nb-Zr-Ta-O合金の塑性変形挙動と加工集合組織に及ぼすNb濃度の影響”、日本金属学会誌、72巻12号 (2008) 970-974.

[19] 宮崎修一、金 熙榮、“高温形状記憶合金”、工業材料、56 (2008) 32-33.

[20] 金 熙榮、宮崎修一、“新タイプ高温形状記憶合金の開発”、チタン、56 (2008) 127-129.

[21] 宮崎修一、“第6回先進材料とプロセスに関する環太平洋国際会議”、まてりあ、47 (2008) 162.

[22] 宮崎修一、“形状記憶および超弾性技術に関する国際会議”、まてりあ、47 (2008) 221.

[23] 細田秀樹、稲邑朋也、宮崎修一、“形状記憶・超弾性合金”、チタンの基礎と加工(日本塑性加工学会編)、コロナ社、(2008) 52-58.
