Hino-Maeshima Laboratory

For undergraduate and graduate students

In the Light-Matter Theory Group, our approach is to conduct research in theoretical and computational physics using computers. Our Group does not do any experimental research using measurement equipment. Our only tools are mathematical formulas (paper and pencil) and computers. We welcome students who have aspirations and passion for the world of quantum physics created by light and matter.

To join the lab, you must naturally have mastered the key basic courses for the first year of the College, and must have a good understanding of Electromagnetics I, II and III and Quantum Mechanics I and II. You will also need a certain degree of knowledge regarding topics such as atom-molecule theory and solid-state electronic theory. Numerical methods will be necessary, but no preliminary knowledge is required to begin.

Undergraduates are assigned a position in April, and then divided into groups based on their path, academic abilities and topic etc. A faculty supervisor is assigned to each group to provide close guidance. An elite study program is provided for students who have outstanding academic abilities and aim to acquire a degree (the doctorate, in particular) in this research group after continuing on to graduate school. The aim here is to earn the doctorate on a fast-track of 4 years after entering graduate school. Before summer vacation, the main activity in the laboratory is seminars in each group (usually once a week) and general seminars (weekly) including graduate students. During summer vacation, there is a temporary break in seminar activities by each group, and students can pursue their own studies to prepare for graduate school examinations etc. At the beginning of September, individual undergraduate topics are determined, and students then deepen their understanding of their topics while reading material such as past degree theses and other relevant papers under the guidance of their faculty supervisor. Around December, they begin to write their graduation theses and prepare for the presentation. The presentation is done at the beginning of February each year.

Graduate students in the early stage doctorate program (master's program) determine their master's thesis topic soon after entering the program, in consultation with their faculty supervisor. In addition to receiving guidance from their faculty supervisor, they read the literature relating to their topic in weekly individual seminars, and check the progress situation of research. They also participate in the aforementioned seminars with undergraduate students, thereby widening their perspective to research topics other than their own, and developing a broad understanding of the research group's activities. They also practice to prepare for presentations at graduate school seminars and academic conferences. From time to time, researchers from other research groups are invited to speak. The study and research activities of graduate students in the later stage doctorate program also follow this outline.

In addition to on-campus research activities like those described above, we are also planning a summer retreat starting next year. Here, we will conduct workshops for undergraduates and first year graduate students on the computer environment and numerical computation. We will also have lectures on a number of research topics being worked on by the research group, discussing each topic from the basic level to the current level. These lectures will be given by the persons in charge of each topic -- both faculty and students. We also plan to hold seasonal social events to deepen personal ties within our research community.