
筑波大 Division of Materials Sciences, University of Tsukuba 

     OISHI Research Group (DNA Nano-System Labo.)

筑波大学大学院 数理物質科学研究科 物性・分子工学専攻 大石 研究室 (DNAナノシステム研究室)  >>>Japanese

Welcome to OISHI Research Group!

Research Areas

 The research of our group encompasses nano-bioscience, life science, medical science, and food science. In particular, we focus on point of care testing (POCT) devices and DNA nano-machines based on DNA nano-system using DNA molecules as a programmable molecular-level constitutional unit.

News & Events

Apr. 01, 2023
Mr. Abe (B4) and Mr. Shokonji(B4) have been newly joined to our group.NEW
Apr. 01, 2022
Mr. Korogi (B4) and Ms. Nishizuka (B4) have been newly joined to our group.
Jan. 20, 2022
Our paper has been accepted for publication in Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japans.
Jul. 12, 2021
Our paper has been accepted for publication in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.
Apr. 01, 2021
Mr. Kisaki (B4) and Mr. Sugawara (B4) have been newly joined to our group.
Feb. 14, 2020
Our paper has been accepted for publication in ACS Nano.
Jan. 24, 2020
Our website has been opened.

» Past log